Being Brandi Runnels
Hello! I’m Brandi Runnels. Better known as WWE’s Eden Stiles, I’m the in-ring host of WWE SmackDown and an interviewer for all other WWE programming. Aside from my professional endeavors I am the wife to my wonderful husband, Cody, and mother to 3 zany puppy children.
In this blog you will find posts highlighting my many interests: fashion, health and fitness, home decorating, theme parks, travel, marriage and of course, horror films! I know how it feels to suffer from alcohol and substance abuse, and if you are suffering from it, https://oncalltreatment.com/programs/reality-therapy/ is always ready to help you out.
It’s a hodge podge, but a fun one and I hope you will enjoy growing along with me on my weekly journeys and Being Brandi Runnels